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XL workshops, teacher trainings & workshops?

Max Strom 4 Workshops: Breathing, Moving, Sleeping & Living
with Max Strom
Join Max Strom’s special events at Yoga Move and find out why nearly 4 million people have been impacted by his TEDx talk, Breathe to Heal, and feel the benefits of his extraordinary work. Enjoy 4 workshops with Max in Spring. See more here.

XL: Shoulder Release with Yoga & CBT
with Shengnan Lu
Free your shoulders, Free your mind
Shoulder tension is one of the most common physical manifestations of stress, often linked to mental patterns of over-responsibility, emotional suppression, and chronic worry. This workshop blends yoga and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to unravel the layers of stress stored in your shoulders, helping you release tightness and shift unhelpful thought patterns.

XL: Hip Release with Yoga & CBT
with Shengnan Lu
Free your hips, Free your emotions
The hips are often called the "emotional storage center" of the body, holding onto stress, past experiences, and tension from daily life.
Tight hips can lead to physical discomfort and emotional stagnation, often linked to feelings of fear, insecurity, or control issues.

XL: Yoga and Art for Self-Discovery
with Valerie Rossi
Find balance, creativity, and serenity in an inspiring fusion of art and yoga!
Join Valerie for a transformative workshop that combines the calming practice of yoga with the creative power of expressive arts. You’ll be invited into a gentle yoga practice to ground your body and mind, blended with some art therapy-inspired exercises designed to explore your breath, inner sensations and emotions.

The Arms, Shoulders, and Neck as the Wings of Yoga
with Doug Keller
This very practical work with the upper body in asana practice will also include an exploration of the connection between the psoas and the deep muscles of the neck, in breath as well as in movement. This will take us further into breath practice, as well as an understanding of the chakras and their practical role in meditative practice.

The Heart of Movement: the Sacrum and Spine
with Doug Keller
The natural undulation of the spine in movement is also the key to diaphragmatic breath, and steadiness of the mind. This movement begins at the sacrum. We focus on this vital movement of the sacrum and spine in asana and vinyasa, and will expand to include the torso, the realm of the breath and of the ‘gut,’ as well as sacroiliac health.

Muscular Freedom Starts with the Joints — Feet, Knees, and Hips
with Doug Keller
Our nervous system regulates our flexibility according to the freedom it perceives in our joints. That means that the state of our feet and knees profoundly influences the flexibility of our hamstrings, hips, and low back. Our practical focus will be on the lower body: principles for working with the feet, knees, and hips, with new insights into the feet as the keys to these joints in all classes of poses.

XL: Advance Your Flow
with Jorien Langedijk
Embody the flow and improve how you move!
Flow is the secret to effortless movement. It allows you to manage your energy and experience lightness throughout your yoga practice, even when it gets physically challenging. Join this workshop to deepen your understanding of flow and learn how to move in sync with the rhythm of the universe.

Breathe to Heal | 3 Day Immersion
with Max Strom
Divided over 3 days you’ll be presented with a balanced program of lecture, writing, breathing and movement.
The aim is for you to reconnect with yourself on a deep level, to reconcile with events in the past, to explore your direction in life and to learn techniques that will help you immediately to manage stress, anxiety and depression.
XL: Introduction to Mysore
with Megan Riley
Have you ever wanted to learn more about this original way of teaching the Ashtanga yoga sequences? Or are thinking of giving the morning Mysore a try?
Then this XL is for you!

XL: Yin Yang Posture with Belief Revitalization Writing
with Shengnan Lu
Just as you conquer challenging yoga poses, do you want to break free from self-doubt and develop a more empowering mindset? In this workshop module, delve into the yin and yang of your belief systems, blending the profound practices of Classic Hatha Yoga with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Hatha Yoga & Somatic Training
with Liliana Nuño
This Somatic Yoga Training is designed to help you connect with yourself and the immense beauty of Yoga, its original ancient essence, and the traditional teachings taught with respect and love from a somatic perspective. A path based on mindfulness through physical enquiry, a training de-signed to initiate a path of transformation towards a state of deep serenity in your life and in your yoga teaching.

XL: Yin Yang Postures with Behavior Alignment Writing
with Shengnan Lu
In this workshop, engage in Yin and Yang yoga poses that reflect your behavioral patterns, merging the wisdom of Classic Hatha Yoga with the writing exercise of modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

XL: Yin Yang Postures with Thought Patterns
with Shengnan Lu
Postures shape our bodies, while thoughts shape our minds. Explore the delicate elements of yin and yang within your thought patterns, stored both in yoga postures and in our minds. By blending ancient wisdom from Classic Hatha Yoga with modern writing exercises from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), be guided toward a harmonious union of body and mind.

Deep Summer Hatha Intensive
with Liliana Nuño
A summer retreat integrating Asana, Pranayama and Bandhas, which will help us to investigate the power of the breath. In these summer days you will be able to engage with yoga in a dynamic and simultaneously reflective way: more challenging asanas will be explored combined with the practice of pranayama to discover the inner movement of body, mind, breath, and the interrelationship that binds them together.

XL: Yin Yang Postures with Emotion Writing
with Shengnan Lu
Explore the delicate elements of yin and yang within your emotional landscape, stored both in yoga postures and in our minds. By blending ancient wisdom from Classic Hatha Yoga with modern writing exercises from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), be guided toward a harmonious union of body and mind.

XL: Yoga & Somatic | Discovering the Integrity of the Body & SPINE
with Liliana Nuño
Do you feel at odds with yourself? Do you feel a disconnection between body and mind?
Join Liliana in this workshop where you will explore tools for getting to know yourself, a process to help recalibrate your inner landscape in a conscious way.

Removing the Armor Between Us: Breathwork, Vulnerability, and Connection
with Max Strom
We want to be seen and heard, yet we camouflage ourselves and stifle our own voice. Learn how to build a bridge of deeper connection, meaningful friendship and true intimacy. The workshop includes lecture, writing, Q&A and breathwork.

Healing Workshop for the New Year
with Max Strom
Begin the New Year with Max Strom, immersed in a wellbeing and renewing practice within a healthy community. This workshop offers the chance to begin the year proactively in a way that is healing and meaningful.

Breathe to Heal | 3 Day Immersion
with Max Strom
Divided over 3 days you’ll be presented with a balanced program of lecture, writing, breathing and movement.
The aim is for you to reconnect with yourself on a deep level, to reconcile with events in the past, to explore your direction in life and to learn techniques that will help you immediately to manage stress, anxiety and depression.

The Secret of Using Movement to Find Stillness
with Max Strom
The intent of our practice is not only to increase our strength and flexibility, but also to transform our thoughts from chaos to stillness, a peaceful sense of arriving home.
Join Max Strom for an afternoon to explore Inner Axis yoga, wisdom beyond the mat, breathing patterns, and focus exercises.. Bring writing materials.