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Beyond Self Towards With-ness

  • Yoga Moves FLY Croeselaan 209 Utrecht, UT Netherlands (map)

Beyond Self towards With-ness


Be moved into action through a series of spatial games and movement tasks. We will play with attention, shifting our focus from self towards each other.

Yoga can be a social practice. Yoga is not just about connection to self, but with others too. 

Explore the idea of interconnectedness within our own body and with others in space. Moving in this way softens our preoccupation towards the shape of our bodies in space and more towards how we move through space. Focusing on the quality of our journey, less the destination. 

The morning masterclass focuses on our experience of the centre and the expressive possibilities of our torso. We will utilise the 5 functions of the spine to explore our capacity for movement from head to tailbone. As we understand how movement can begin from this centre, we can harness core integration and the ability to connect the upper and lower halves of our body efficiently. 

The afternoon explores relatedness in motion. This immersive, matless session puts ‘withness’ to the forefront, exploring how we can be moved into action by interacting with someone or something else through a series of spatial games and movement tasks. As we play with where our attention lies by selectively shifting our focus between ourselves and others in space, we will hopefully learn to reduce noise and chaos surrounding our every day to better access a state of peace and calm.  

Expect lots of play with props and partnerwork and a new friend or two by the end. There will be (optional) elements of touch. Open to curious movers of all levels and disciplines looking to explore listening through movement and develop wider spatial awareness. No prior movement experience needed.  


A chance to discover and rediscover play. An exciting challenge, a dare, a way to awaken your mind to be more in tune with your body. An awakening of the soul and a moment to experience being a kid again. – Adriana Garcia

Celebrate movement as practice, purpose and perspective with David over a weekend of exploring movement beyond asana, embodying the philosophies of yoga off the mat. 

The weekend is carefully designed to welcome curious minds across varying physiques, neuro-divergences and dis/abilities, where you are empowered to tailor towards your respective edges of challenge and comfort from the restorative to the dynamic.

Each day begins with a masterclass practice. Using traditional yoga postures (asana) as points of departure and somatic enquiry, we will move through fluid, multidimensional sequences to condition towards complexity and mobilise towards longevity. There will be opportunities to move, roll, crawl or invert beyond the confines of your mat. A brave space of collective un/structured play to expand your capacities for pleasure and self-expression.

The masterclass is followed by a lunch break before a 3 hour workshop where we delve deeper into a specific focus with opportunities to explore movement with detailed feedback and engage in rich discussions amongst like-minded movers. 

Join the full weekend for a moving experience of freedom, expression and wild permission. 

Dates: Sunday 10 March 2024
Time: 12.00 - 18.00 (with mid afternoon food break)
Location: Studio FLY | Croeselaan 209, Utrecht
Price: (including VAT) €89
Join all 3 days: €199 

about the teacher:

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