Continuing Education for yoga teachers
“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” ~ Nelson Mandela
Our contribution
We at Yoga Moves have strong ethical hearts when it comes to authenticity and honesty. We believe that teaching yoga is a skill that is cultivated over years, not months; and that cream rises to the top in terms of authentic and skilful teachers. When we started, we had a hard time finding teachers, thus we started our own training program.
We were the very first in The Netherlands to join Yoga Alliance (USA/International) because we were not satisfied with the quality of yoga in those days. Much has changed since then, but the need for teachers willing to invest in themselves and grow continues.
Yoga Moves had been a leader in innovation, quality and inspiration for training teachers. We are committed to offering quality programs for you to digest and grow from. -
styles of learning
You most likely have heard that people have different styles of learning: audible, visual, somatic. We encourage our trainers to take special care to integrate different approaches to learning so more people can benefit from the information.
We find it equally important that our trainees are encouraged and supported to do self practice and self learning. We all have different ways to digest and integrate materials.Both Yoga Moves and Yoga Alliance recognise that time spent learning something new through research, study, or experiential learning, rather than synthesising or processing prior knowledge is also learning and counts as continuing education.
Yoga Alliance & Continuing Education (CE)
Under the guidelines of Yoga Alliance International (USA), in order to continue learning and growing as a teacher, all Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®s) and E-RYTs must complete 75 hours of CE within three years from the date of their initial registration (and 45 every 3 years after that).. A portion of these hours should be with a registered teacher with qualifications to offer continuing education.
All of Yoga Moves courses where we mention CE hours offers you these official hours. It need not be a training course per-se, it can also be a shorter workshop with a teacher that has the standing to offer these credits. In this way you as a teacher can continue to grow. Your certificate of attendance can be used to demonstrate you followed the course.
YogaAlliance.org registers both individual yoga teachers and yoga teacher training programs (schools) who have complied with educational standards established by the organisation. Their mission is to lead the yoga community, set standards, foster integrity, provide resources, and uphold the teachings of yoga. Although registration with the Yoga Alliance is not legally required for teaching yoga in The Netherlands, most studios and fitness centers will require teachers to have a training from a registered school. All Yoga Moves Teacher Training graduates are eligible to apply for Yoga Alliance registration.
Please note: there are a number of alternative “Yoga Alliance” companies that have “borrowed the name” in their own country but may not have the scope, and professionalism the organisation with roots in the USA does. Some are outright frauds. We focus on YogaAlliance.org as our certification leader. The UK one is also relatively good, but the certifications are not transferrable in many cases. Buyer be warned!
Yoga Moves training programs are registered with yoga alliance
Yoga Moves 200 hour foundation training programs
Yoga Moves 300 hour advance training program: coming in 2022
Continuing education workshops and courses
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