Megan Riley

One of only a few officially Certified Ashtanga teachers in Europe, Megan Riley currently lives and teaches Mysore at Yoga Moves Fly in Utrecht.

Megan began an Ashtanga practice in the United States at the start of her job in higher education. What started as a search for an exercise to reduce stress and connect philosophy studies to practice, the yoga led her to her first teacher and, eventually, to her first trip to Mysore, India.  Between here and there, she traded in the academic classroom for the practice room and found space to combine her creative interests and passion for teaching others. Time spent on the mat—the daily repetition with its inevitable ups and downs— anchors her spiritual practice through self-acceptance, dedication, and discipline.

Her teaching encourages a surrender to meet your self where you are for the day along with the work of recognizing old patterns of the mind and body. Within this balance of acceptance and exploration, the practice is revealed.

After many years of continuous study and practice, she received Certification from Guru R. Sharath Jois at the source of Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, India. She has assisted in the teaching room there and taught at Jois Shala in the U.S. before running her own Mysore program in Connecticut. Now she teaches daily Mysore. She is grateful to her teachers for their guidance along the path.

Megan runs her own Mysore program from Yoga Moves Fly studio. You can find out more info about joining her Mysore classes by going to her website: Ashtanga Yoga Center Utrecht or email with any questions.


Maurice Eikmans


Micol Degl'Innocenti