Dosha – What is Your Own Unique Mix?

According to Ayurveda, one size does not fit all. Each person has their own unique mix of the 5 elements and the 3 doshas and is born with their own unique blueprint called Prakruti in Sanskrit.  

Gaining insight in your own specific constitution, can help you make choices that are right for you. Choices that allow more balance and flow in your life. 

Why one-size-does-not-fit-all 

Take intermittent fasting. A lot has been written about it, and according to believers it is a great idea for everyone to refrain from eating for a longer period. According to Ayurveda it differs per person. Some thrive on skipping breakfast, while others should take time for a big breakfast every single day. And this all depends on, you may have guessed it, your constitution. 

Discover your constitution
Curious to find out your own unique constitution? Do a Dosha Test.  And it will never be only one dosha. We have all three doshas in us, in different mixes. Most of us have a double constitution, that means you have 2 dominant doshas. Some of us even have even parts of all 2 doshas. The test is a first introduction, you will experience what works for you along the way. So, you will have many adventures ahead of you, finding out. 

Dutch Dosha Test
English Test (no mail needed)

Thanks to Janneke Schuurman.


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