We've changed our Late Cancellation Policy

Dear Yoga Moves friends,

You have been showing us how important yoga is for you by joining our classes in the studio. And it’s not just the classes that are valuable, but also the community of yogis. I really appreciate sharing a cup of tea after class and chatting about the practice, life and anything else that comes up.

One of the topics that we’ve had questions about lately is related to the subject of this letter: our late cancellation policy. From some of you we even heard that our cancellation policy has been the reason for not booking classes in advance.

The thing is that Yoga Moves is in a phase of recovery after all the pandemic challenges and lockdowns. As a result we may have created an overly strict policy that doesn’t really reflect our core values. We do feel that flexibility is something that not only belongs inside a yoga class, but also around and beyond it. 

Yoga Moves stands for a community that trusts in good intentions. As such, we want to be more flexible towards you and practice what we preach. That is why we are changing our cancellation policy, at least till the end of this year.

Our New Cancellation Policy:

  • As of 5 May you can cancel your classes up to 2 hours in advance.

  • We are dropping the late cancellation fee for members with unlimited class cards.

  • If you can't make it to your reserved class, please cancel it in your account a.s.a.p, even if it’s just minutes before start time.

  • This cancellation policy applies to our studio classes only

Thank you for being a part of our community. 




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