Study & Learn to Teach Yoga.
Is this a dream of yours?
Wouldn’t you love to spend more time,
exploring the power of yoga?

Learning to teach yoga teaches you yoga.

Yoga is a powerful balancing force

As an adult learner, you will likely bump into old beliefs and old habits.

Have you ever been confused by a yoga teachers instruction and thought “my teacher told me it should be like this!“.


Whenever we are asked to do things differently, resistance is often the first emotion.

Habits are hard to break. Your yoga might be based on good or poor habits depending on how you were taught,


Patterns turn into tensions, strengths, and weaknesses

That’s why when you learn to teach yoga, you also want to make sure you understand it, so you don’t pass on (your) bad habits to your students.


Learning to teach will make your own practice more alive and richer.

When you learn to break things down into their smaller parts, you will become more highly aware of what you do (or don’t do); then you can change it, re-learn it and grow.

As yoga teachers we meet peoples patterns

Yoga Moves training is not only for you to become a teacher,
but for you to become deeper, more aware, more open.

We help you learn to teach
real people real yoga


Who needs yoga?

Think about your friends, your partner, your kids, your colleagues…almost everyone could use some yoga! Right? But not everyone has either found yoga or the right yoga or the right teacher.

YOU ARE THE RIGHT PERSON to change someones life with yoga. And if you go on this journey, you will create the circumstances for that to happen.

Yoga changes lives. This is true. And you can be a part of that positive force.

Your education journey will start once you sign up.

We get you started with our welcome letter where you will begin with some pre-reading, some questions to ponder, some simple practices to help you get your focus flowing.

When you start the program you will be diving into the depth of learning, practicing, sharing, digesting. It can be a strenuous and sometimes emotional journey, but very satisfying. You will most likely make new friends on the way, possibly the kind that last a lifetime.

The journey does not end at the end.

Once you complete your foundation training, most people continue to learn and grow. It will depend a bit on your ambition, but you will most want to keep on learning. We think it’s the only way to become a professional: continuing education.

There are many different ways to build your career as a yoga teacher. From the most basic, for example teaching one class a week for a local gym or at work, all the way to becoming an around-the-world travelling yogi! (and many shades in-between!). While making a living as a teacher has its challenge, it is possible and doable!

Are You Hoping to Make a Change?

is one of the
best investments
you can give


“I want to do what I love and live from it…but I don’t dare say that because I have no idea if it is realistic for me…but it is my dream…”


Some People Ask Us:

Am I ready?

I want to train as a yoga teacher so that I can deepen my understanding of the practice and be able to offer the gift of yoga to others that need it. I feel that a teacher training is a great way to dive deeper and gain a solid foundation for future practice, more so than individual practice.

Do any of these worries sound familiar….?

  • Doubt: good old basic doubt: “am I good enough?”

  • Lack of courage: Fears in your way like: “I could never stand in front of a group”

  • Life-feels dull: for example: work that doesn’t inspire you.

  • Body-shame: “I’m too stiff – too fat – too weak”…(you fill it in).

  • Time – Stress: How can I fit a training program in?

Don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Whether your goal is to learn how to teach or
simply uncover new depths in your practice,
our programs will you move from “I am never going to be good enough”
all the way to: “I am loving my new life as a yoga teacher!”!


We support your dream.

And yes…the world needs more good yoga teachers.

We encourage you to reflect and ask yourself:

  • Do you practice yoga for at least 1-2 years with a consistent and regular practice (preferably the style of yoga you want to study)?

  • Do you feel you understand the basics of how to combine breath with asana? This is not a theory but a deep and advanced practice. (You will learn a lot in the training)

  • Do you practice with ease, awareness and some insight into the “proper” alignment for your body? Are you taking some classes or workshops that help you explore this aspect?

  • How is your home practice? Have you tried? We suggest you begin. Even if its hard, try! Its am important part of becoming an authentic yogi.

  • Are you open to grow and learn new things? We think yoga is about the body, but its also about our mind: open and spacious.

  • Time: Life is full of choices. If your life is too full to add your passion in it, perhaps you can consider how can you make some room for yourself. Your choices create your life.

Learning to teach yoga teaches you yoga.

Yoga is a powerful balancing force

FREE e-book

10 things you need to know
before signing up for a yoga training

Hilary Brown, founder of Yoga Moves, shares her experience about things to consider before joining a yoga training.

Don’t spend your time or money unwisely.