Core Flow

Focus on accessing and activating your core strength in this dynamic, creative, and alignment-based practice. Focus is the whole trunk of your lower body & abdominals. Strengthen muscle lines throughout the body for a strong foundation.

You will feel more connected with your centre and more aligned both physically and emotionally through this yoga practice with special focus on stability.

Hot Vinyasa Core 35°C We turn up the heat using our infra-red panels to help your muscles and body sweat everything you don’t need out.

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Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.

Ashtanga Yoga


Hatha Yoga