Léah Kline

Based in Amsterdam , Léah works as an independent teacher & mentor offering Yoga classes, Masterclasses, Trainings, Mentorships, Retreats and Savasana Concerts for students, teachers & studios.

A professional jazz vocalist and performing artist, she holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree specialising in Movement. With 30 years of teaching experience, she has accumulated a deep and intuitive understanding of the human–body-in-motion, the vibrational effects of sound and silence on the body and as tool for healing.  She credits her combined experiences/knowledge ** for her ability to explain how to touch and guide the human body into its natural energy and to recognize signs of organic movement, resistance & energetic directions.

Experienced Teacher Trainer: Certified 500hr Anusara® Professor of Hatha Yoga,  “Continuing Education” Registered Yoga Teacher, CE-RYT, Performer, Singer, Poet

** (in Anatomy, Physiology, Kineseology, Injury prevention, Yoga Therapeutics, Martha Graham Training, Contact Improvisation, Massage Techniques, Universal Principles of Alignment ©, Partner work in yoga and dance, Psychology, Singing, & Trauma Work)

Author of the book ~The Little Savasana Book (2022) & Co-writer with Johan Noorloos for~ Het Nieuwe Yogaboek (2014)Yang Asana Technique).

Her teachings are offered in English and NederEngels but speaks fluent Dutch.

Attend an event with THIS teacher:


Judith Hanson Lasater

