MIND foundation Fundraising by students from Hogeschool Utrecht

As we all know mental health is verry important. Still there is this taboo around it. Luckily, we as society are going in the right direction.

We are Malena and Puck, Maud and Sarah, Jeniffer and Sitiyao. We are all first-year communication students at Hogeschool Utrecht and between 18 and 20 years old.

Especially in our generations (millennials and gen Z) people are more open and less judgmental about our mental health. Despite these changes around the subject even for us it can still be verry hard to ask for help or even talk about our mental health since this taboo around mental health still isn’t fully gone.

The MIND foundation is a non-profit organisation that wants to better the mental health in our society hands on. They give information, advise and support people that are dealing with their mental health. MIND works together with multiple health organisation like the GGZ (mental healthcare), Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (the suicide prevention foundation) and Cliënten- en Familieorganisties (client organizations specialized in different fields of mental health).

Mental health is very important for us because it’s something we can all relate to as students. One of us has had a difficult home situation living with their parents where there was no openness about mental health. She was feeling down most of the time and had no one to talk to what worsened her mental health. Luckily, she eventuality got in contact with a therapist where she was able to open up and work on her mental health and make her work on bettering her life. That is why we think the work that MIND does is so important because it can change people’s lives!

Because MIND is non-profit, they are dependent on donations to do their important work. That is why we are creating this fundraising with Yoga Moves. The reason we chose to have a yoga class as fundraiser is, because it was very easy to make the link between yoga and mental health, since it helps with treatment of stress, anxiety or even depression. Being able to work with Yoga Moves was the best step for us since it is located in Utrecht and a great organisation.

The yoga classes themselves are free, and the teachers are generously volunteering their time. Yoga Moves is offering their studios free of charge. And we as students from HU will be requesting donations from the participants of the classes.

Here are the details of the yoga sessions:

  • Hatha & Sound with Marieke | Friday, April 12th at 19:30 | Studio HOT
    Organized by students Malèna and Puck. Book your free spot here.

  • Yin & Nidra with Maurice | Sunday, April 14th at 13:00 | Studio ONE
    Organized by students Sarah and Maud. Book your free spot here.

  • Slow Flow with Naomi | Friday, April 19th at 19:30 | Studio HOT
    Organized by students Jennifer and Sitiyao. Book your free spot here.

The classes are free, but please reserve your spot by clicking on the link provided with each class.

Hope to see you there!
Malèna & Puck, Maud & Sarah, Jeniffer & Sitiyao


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