Early Bird Day: Book Your Training or Workshops Early and Save

Start planning ahead. We believe in rewarding proactive decision-making and dedication towards personal growth. That’s why we have introduced our new Early Bird pricing system, designed to provide financial incentives for those who book early.

Every 1st of the month is now Early Bird Day at Yoga Moves. This means that for designated trainings and workshops before the 1st of each month, we offer an early bird price. The early bird price increases every month until it reaches the regular price. By booking early, you can take advantage of lower prices.

The increase in the Early Bird price starts approximately 6 to 7 months before the training date. If you book your workshop or training 6 to 7 months in advance, you guarantee the lowest price. The monthly increase varies depending on the regular course price, ranging from €20 a month for shorter trainings or workshops to €100 a month for longer trainings.

Maximize Your Benefits with Early Bird Pricing

To make the most of our early bird pricing, we recommend following these practical tips:

1. Stay Updated: Visit our website regularly or subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming training programs and workshops.

2. Set Reminders: Mark your calendar for the 1st day of each month as Early Bird Day, so that you don’t miss out on timely bookings.

3. Plan Ahead: Take some time to explore our diverse range of offerings and identify which programs align with your interests and goals. This way, when Early Bird Day arrives, you’ll be ready to secure your spot in the program that resonates with you.

Check this page to find out what’s on Early Bird.


Yoga Moves CRKBO Registered: Quality and Benefits for You


Het Achtvoudig Pad: Samadhi