Does Binging the News Help?

Dear Yoga Moves friend,

I don’t know about you, but for me the current situation in Ukraine has triggered quite some fear and anxiety. Because of it, I went full-on into binging the news, hoping to regain control over things that are completely out of my control. And as a way of showing my empathy to the suffering of the people there. In situations like this I feel helpless.

It reminded me about an advice from Max Strom’s book Breathe to Heal:

"Listen or read the news once per week- no more. You will notice a difference in your nervous system in just a few days, and you'll be surprised at what an addiction it can be. From my own observation of myself and others, I believe that one of the most insidious sources of anxiety and stress is watching the news every day..... Why do we religiously overflow ourselves with such dark images of crisis?"

Let me be clear… this is not about me. The human suffering in the world right now is huge and breaks my heart. But obsessing over the news, raising anxiety and fear also does not change anything for the people there. Then what can we do? As Max Strom continues....

"Does this mean we should go into denial and ignore the problems? Absolutely not. Take action and do what you can do to help. But … do not obsess about the negative.... This way you can stay informed but not in a constant state of anxiety..... One of the most important contributions we can make to a troubled world is to give it more love, hope and joy.”

The actions we can take, besides donating for humanitarian help, is giving the world a bit more hope. By showing our solidarity. By trying to be a good human being in your daily life. By finding glimpses of hope, instead of feeding into the fear. By meditating and practicing together with your community. Or by sending prayers or well wishes to those suffering, in a form that resonates with you. Like this Buddhist prayer:

May all sentient beings possess happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all sentient beings never be separate from joy and free of suffering.
May all sentient beings remain in equanimity free of attachment and aversion.



Aerial yoga: New Experiences


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